| 1. | Rest and recreation are also necessary to his physical life 休息和消遣也是维持身体的必需。 |
| 2. | The park on the waterfront is a good place for rest and recreation 这个滨水公园是休息和娱乐的好地方。 |
| 3. | Port calls by u . s . ships allow our soldiers , sailors , airmen , and marines to enjoy rest and recreation 美国海军的访港使我们的士兵、水手和飞行员可以休息及逍闲。 |
| 4. | Strategic innovation : the leisure tendency of tourism and the construction of tianjin as a rest and recreation center in northern china 旅游的休闲趋势与天津北方休闲中心城市的构建 |
| 5. | If hugh miller , after toiling all day in a quarry , had devoted his evenings to rest and recreation , he wound never become a famous geologist 休?米勒如果在采石场劳作一天后,晚上停下来消遣的话,就不会成为著名的地理学家。 |
| 6. | But conflict in the middle east has brought seychelles an unexpected bonus : western warships stop off in the islands , which offer rest and recreation 但是中东的冲突也为塞舌尔带来了意想不到的利益:西方的战船暂时停在岛里,进行休息和休闲 |
| 7. | If hugh miller , after toiling all day in a quarry , had devoted his evenings to rest and recreation , he would never have become a famous geologist 休?米勒如果在采石场劳作一天后,晚上停下来休息消遣的话,他就不会成为名垂青史的地理学家。 |
| 8. | But conflict in the middle east has brought seychelles an unexpected bonus : western warships stop off [ 3 ] in the islands , which offer rest and recreation 不过,中东冲突已经给塞舌尔带来了一份意外收获? ?该岛为经停的西方战船提供休闲和娱乐场所。 |
| 9. | But conflict in the middle east has brought seychelles an unexpected bonus : western warships stop off in the islands , which offer rest and recreation 但是中东冲突为塞舌尔带来了意料之外的好处:西方战舰在停泊此,他们把这片岛屿当成休闲娱乐的天堂。 |
| 10. | But conflict in the middle east has brought seychelles an unexpected bonus : western warships stop off in the islands , which offer rest and recreation 但是中东的冲突给塞舌尔带来了意想不到的财富,西方的战舰在岛上进行中途停留,需要提供休息和消遣。 |